What Does A LASIK Surgeon Do?

An ophthalmologist or a LASIK surgeon is an eye care expert who specializes in eye surgery. In contrast to optometrists and opticians, LASIK surgeons are medical or osteopathy doctors with specialized training and experience in diagnosing and treating eye and vision conditions. Optometrists and opticians are not considered medical doctors, and LASIK surgeons/Ophthalmologists are the only doctors trained to give comprehensive eye care, including medicinal and surgical treatment for eye conditions.

A surgeon or an ophthalmologist will evaluate your eyesight as part of a comprehensive eye exam. If necessary, the doctor will also determine your eyeglasses or contact lens prescription. They will observe the reaction of your pupils to different intensities of light, examine the alignment of your eyes, and assess the functionality of the muscles that control the movement of your eyes. They will search for any early indicators of eye disorders such as cataracts or glaucoma, and they will examine the back of your eye (the retina) and the optic nerve.

Ophthalmologists are trained to diagnose and treat various eye conditions, including injuries, infections, illnesses, and disorders, so that they can perform better for eye surgery. LASIK surgeons are also known as ophthalmologists.

What Exactly Is LASIK Surgery?

LASIK is a type of corrective eye surgery. This type of surgery uses a laser to correct visual issues brought on by refractive defects. When your eye does not properly “refract” (bend) light, you have a condition known as refractive error.

Light rays have to pass through your cornea as well as your lens for you to have clear vision. The light is bent to reach the retina thanks to the cornea and the lens. The shape of your cornea or lens might cause refractive errors, which prevent light from bending correctly. Your eyesight will become hazy if the light that should be focused on the retina is not doing so.

Your LASIK surgeon or ophthalmologist can alter your corneal shape via LASIK, which involves using a laser. Through a laser, the doctor can better concentrate light rays on the retina of the patient’s eye.

Refractive defects can be through LASIK, which will result in an improvement in your vision.


What Does A LASIK Surgeon Do?

Before The Eye Surgery

  • If you are a candidate for LASIK, your doctor will thoroughly check your eyes. The surgeon follows these steps to do the procedure:
  • Try out your eyesight. This check aims to ensure that your vision has not altered. Your refractive error is displayed, as well as whether LASIK can be utilized to improve your vision.
  • To rule out any more issues with the eyes, perform a thorough examination. Your doctor will not overlook eye problems. This is because other matters could affect your procedure, or LASIK could exacerbate those issues. Dry eyes, for example, may worsen the following LASIK.
  • Your cornea should be measured and mapped out by you. An ophthalmologist will perform a corneal thickness and surface measurement. Computer-controlled lasers are programmed using these measures by your eye surgeon during surgery.
  • Pupil size can be found by measuring your eye. In addition, they will take a reading of the patient’s pupil size. You may experience halos (rings of light) after LASIK at night if your pupil is big.

During The Surgery

  • Eye drops will be used to numb your eye.
  • To keep your eye from blinking, you’ll be given an eyelid holder by the doctor. In addition, a suction ring will be applied to the eye by the doctor to prevent the eye from moving. You will feel a pinch on the eyelid, like a finger pressing down on it. At this moment, your eyesight will either get blurry or completely blackout.
  • Your surgeon uses a microkeratome or a laser to create a paper-thin corneal flap. After that, they will lift the flap and fold it back.
  • You will be instructed to fixate on a point light and refrain from moving your gaze away from it. The cornea is then reshaped using a laser by the ophthalmologist. The laser is specialized equipment programmed for your eye’s measurements


You will hear a clicking sound while the LASIK surgeon uses the laser. A flap is folded back and smoothed after the cornea has been reshaped. 2–3 minutes after attaching, the flap heals in place.

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